UK Process and Document Server, we can serve your documents and court papers anywhere in the UK or the World.
We can instruct a local approved process server within minutes of your call Every United Kingdom process serving agent has a checkable background within the investigation industry or the police. We are the number one uk process servers.

has a highly rated Distance Learning Course which covers the whole spectrum of Process Service, Document Service and is the virtual guide on how to become a Process Server.DEDICATED TRAINING FOR UK PROCESS SERVERS
The course will teach you everything from how to approach a 'Respondent' as known in the Process Serving industry, how to correctly prepare and swear affidavits, when affidavits of service are needed by a Process Server (and when not), how to conduct oneself when becoming a Process server and when one is actually acting as a Process Server, how to stay within the law, how to gain work and how to keep cases in track and in 'good time'. This is just the first chapter!
All of the staff employed by UK Process are trained to the highest degree and the course 'Become a Process Server' is the first step taken by each and every one, from administration staff to Process Servers specialising in High Court Injunctions.
Here at UK Process we receive calls and CV's from people every single day asking how do I become a Process Server in the UK and do you have work?.
The simple answer is yes! We have lots of work and not enough Process Servers. Because we specialise in Process Serving we are also in mind to employ specialist qualified Process servers, if we know you have undertaken a specialist Process Serving Course we will of course employ them, we at UK Process crave knowledge and experience which can only be gained by specialist insider knowledge.
Gain a Certificate in Process Serving (CIP)
Undertake the Process Serving Course 'How to become a Process Server' in the UK can gain certification and use the letters CIP on all correspondence.
UK Process Serving course containing the following exciting and in depth chapters:
- Welcome to the course
- What is a Process Server
- Types of Process
- Essential Reading
- Become a Process Server
Introduction to the course 'Become a Process Server':
- How to prepare a 'Return of Service'
- When to use an Affidavit over a Statement and why
- What the technical terms mean
- FREE example affidavits for your own use
Affidavits and Statements:
- The evolution of Process Servers
- Process Servers through the ages
- Changes in Process Serving duties
History of Process Servers & Investigators:
- How to trace elusive debtors - a skill in its own right
- Staying within the law when tracing
- When not to trace
- How to show successful tracing to a court
- How to prove when someone is still at an old address
Tracing & Tracing Techniques:
- What assets does someone have
- Is someone worth chasing for levying distress
- How to prove someone has assets
- How to show a client that someone has nothing
Status Reports:
- The Standard for Process Servers as part of the Suite of NOS for Private Investigators
NOS (National Occupation Standards):
- Surveillance for Process Serving
- Static & Mobile Surveillance
- Instructions & Objectives
- Correctly assimilating evidence
- Disguise, Background, Attitude
- Where to look for work
- How to be noticed
- How to prepare an Investigators CV
How to gain work:
- Who to affiliate with for advice and guidance
- What the bodies can do for you
Governing bodies:
- All terms explained in plain English
- The legal language used by professionals within the industry
CALL: 0207 272 9234
DX: 211 Chancery Lane
Fax: 0207 788 3425
31 - 35
Kirby Street
The course is available now, delivered via digital download.
Buy now for £199 by clicking the link below